korexus vs Ecrivian (skirmish): Turn 6

Turn # 6

korexus missiles 12,
Ecrivian missiles 7,

korexus takes 10, takes 17, takes 15,
Ecrivian attacks 7 but fails, takes 15,

A vote has been called for korexus to win the game
The vote passes, game over.

OOP for next Turn is: korexus, Ecrivian

Ecrivian: Epic battle... sweet.. too bad it was so lopsided....
korexus: Thanks for attacking me. I think the fight would have gone quite differently if you'd had the DEF bonus...
korexus: Also, from the Battle Interpreter

"The fight lasted for 91 rounds of which the attackers won 40 and the defenders won 51"

That's not lopsided, I just had more troops than you!
PlayerNameScoreStarting ProvinceStatusReady
1 korexus 919 9 WINNER
2 Ecrivian 384 16 OK

OOP for next Turn is: 1 2